Monday, May 31, 2010

[TacAreaFC] ADMIN: Dear FreecycleAbby (or, "who gets my stuff?")


Dear FreecycleAbby: (or, "who gets my stuff?")

I made my first four offers today on Freecycle(TM).
Some of what I experienced after that:

-- Folks responding immediately to my OFFER just to be the FIRST, but clearly not thinking about whether they really wanted what I was offering - or even if it was possible for them to pick it up.
-- Emails asking me questions that were already clearly answered in my OFFERED posting.
-- More than one person emailed with no mention of which item they were interested in - in either the subject or the body of their message.
-- Another person actually asked me to ship the item to him...out-of-state.
-- At least one email lecturing (actually, berating) me about how I "advertised" and "sold" my items. (Honestly, I did my best and I think my posts show effort. And this being Freecycle, I didn't think I was advertising or selling anything.)
-- And LOTS of people for whom the words "please" or "thank you" don't seem to be part of the English language. I don't expect someone to bow and scrape before me. But I didn't really expect to be given lots of orders and demands in response to my OFFER, either.

I started today feeling good that I was doing something positive. I ended the day in not the best of moods.

Signed, Cheerless in (Freecycle)Seattle

Dear Cheerless:

My, my, you try to do something good for the other people and for the planet, and look what happens. Not only are some people ungrateful, but they're downright rude in the bargain. Wouldn't it be nice if you could wave a magic wand and make all the thoughtless, impolite, greedy, and generally clueless people go away, and just give your stuff to the few who seem to remember that you're offering a gift that they should show just a teensy bit of gratitude for?

Well, you know what? You can.

You have an extraordinary power - as does everyone else here, though they all seem to keep forgetting about it. And that power is this: when you make an OFFER, *you* get to choose who gets it. You and only you. You _don't_ have to pick the person who's first to reply after your offer's posted, or the one who's the most insistent. You can wait and see all of what comes into your Inbox for as long as you want to, and then *you* get to choose one of them to take your OFFER. And you don't need to justify your decision to anyone but yourself.

Fabby herself usually lets a day or so pass after her Offer: goes out to see who answers, and then picks the person who asked for the thing the most politely. Or sometimes it's the one who had the best and funniest story about why they needed it, or who turns out to be located in the same neighborhood as she is. Very often this _isn't_ the first person who replies, which is a nice benefit: not everyone can be hovering at their computers 24x7, and Fabby thinks even people with dial-up Internet connections who check their email only once a day (gasp!) or participate via the sort-of-Daily Digest should have an equal shot at getting stuff generously offered here. There's no rule that people with the gigabit broadband cable feeds and RedBull-enhanced fingers should get first dibs on everything, you know.

And so what can you do about the others who respond, especially the ones you encountered who seem to have gotten report cards saying "doesn't play well with others"? Well, it gets even better. You can simply delete each and every email you get from them without replying. Bzzzt, thank you for playing, but no cookware set for this guest today, Johnny. The beauty of it is that once you post a TAKEN notice, you're done - it serves as a blanket answer to *everyone* else who emailed you, so you don't have to do anything more.

Perhaps after a few dozen times of the same thing happening and being told "it's taken" even though they know they responded 20 milliseconds after the posting hit their mailbox, some people *might* start to think a little bit...maybe there's more to being part of this community than how fast they can click on the "send" button?

That maybe whatever it was their mother told them - you know, about being polite and courteous to others and thankful for gifts they get - might actually be good to remember?

No, you're right, probably not. But it's nice to imagine, isn't it?

Yours in reuse,
FreeycleAbby (aka "Fabby")

(PS: By the way, you don't have to respond back to the *nice* people who email you but didn't get your item, either: the TAKEN does the work for you there as well. Though of course you're welcome to send them an email with your regrets if you want to, or save their addresses just in case the first taker doesn't make it. Again, you're the OFFERer, so it's all your choice.)

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This wonderfully humorous piece was penned by David Ruggiero / co-owner FreecycleSeattle.
He has given permission to share it.
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(http: / /www .Freecycle .org). All rights reserved.

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other countries.

Recent Activity:

(Use ONLY one of these four keywords)

OFFER: couch - (Your Home Location)
TAKEN: couch - (Your Home Location)
WANTED: garden hose - (Your Home Location)
RECEIVED: garden hose - (Your Home Location)


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[TacAreaFC] Digest Number 4464

Messages In This Digest (21 Messages)



Offered- Depends (Graham/Spanaway)

Posted by: "AnnetteS"   redbugsullivan

Sun May 30, 2010 10:38 am (PDT)

Size small and medium. 2 pkgs. Location is 15 minutes so. of the Spanaway Walmart.


Offered: Lawn Chair (Lakewood)

Posted by: "Mary"   mary_muir

Sun May 30, 2010 11:07 am (PDT)

Metal Frame, plastic woven seat and back. In good condition (small amount of rust), but works great.

Located in Lakewood near St. Clare's hospital.


Wanted: Wigs fort lewis

Posted by: "sexyboricuag1rl"   sexyboricuag1rl

Sun May 30, 2010 1:16 pm (PDT)

Looking for blue, purple or any color wig exept for brown,black or blonde. Just want any non natural color. Thanks.


offer: office chair (north tacoma)

Posted by: "jadegar84"   jadegar84

Sun May 30, 2010 1:17 pm (PDT)

Blue office chair, clean, good condition except I cannot figure out how make it roll! Maybe you could take a look and figure it out!

Happy freecycling!


Wanted: Camera (Tacoma)

Posted by: "Crystal Pumphrey"   josephs_army_wife

Sun May 30, 2010 2:41 pm (PDT)

Would prefer digital, but not too picky at this moment.
I can pick up anytime mostly. Thank you for considering me.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Offer: Woman's Clothes (Tacoma)***

Posted by: "Crystal Pumphrey"   josephs_army_wife

Sun May 30, 2010 2:42 pm (PDT)

M,L,XL  shirts, skirts, shorts, pants. There will be a ton of clothes, as the day goes on. So I will probably make a few piles for people to have. I will not hold longer than pick up time.
*The sizes will be all mixed together, if you don't like something, or not the right size, please freecycle it on*

***Moderator edited location on subject line.


OFFER:  moving boxes (72nd/84th St.)

Posted by: "J.C."   jctheot

Sun May 30, 2010 2:50 pm (PDT)

I have over a dozen moving boxes of various sizes & some packing material. Currently, they're not collapsed, but they can be easily broken down. We're still unpacking so there will likely be more by the time you get here if you need 'em. Let me know what day/time works best for you to pick them up--no cover to protect them if it's raining so don't want to leave them outside.


Wanted: Girls twin bedding (Federal Way)***

Posted by: "RaenaS"   raenasoukup

Sun May 30, 2010 3:02 pm (PDT)

Any twin size girly bedding anyone does not use anymore would be well used in our home! Thank You :)

***Moderator edited subject line to correct format.


Wanted: chain linked fence, Gig Harbor, 84th AVe

Posted by: "AARON"   aaronandrianne

Sun May 30, 2010 5:47 pm (PDT)

Looking for, chain linked fencing so we can finally finishing building our dog kennel! So if you have some that would be great and we would like to pick as soon as possible. Thank you.


taken: compost bin/Olympia

Posted by: "anne_young39"   anne_young39

Sun May 30, 2010 5:48 pm (PDT)

The compost bin has been taken. Thank you


Taken: Boys clothing, parkland

Posted by: "joansleepsontrees"   joansleepsontrees

Sun May 30, 2010 6:52 pm (PDT)


Offer:womens plus size clothes (tacoma)

Posted by: ""   sweetiekins2110

Sun May 30, 2010 6:52 pm (PDT)

Must take all and freecycle what u dont want. Would like

Offer: Umbrella Stroller (72nd & Pacific Ave)

Posted by: "treat0000"   treat0000

Sun May 30, 2010 7:20 pm (PDT)

Umbrella Stroller. Color: Dark blue.



Wanted: All White Size Small-Medium hospital scrubs, parkland

Posted by: "joansleepsontrees"   joansleepsontrees

Sun May 30, 2010 7:21 pm (PDT)

***thank you!

***Moderator removed details unrelated to item wanted.


TAKEN:  moving boxes (72nd/84th St.)

Posted by: "J.C."   jctheot

Sun May 30, 2010 8:10 pm (PDT)

PPU with back-up list. Happy moving, all!


Wanted:  anything spongebob  (tacoma)

Posted by: ""   sweetiekins2110

Sun May 30, 2010 10:57 pm (PDT)


TAKEN:  Ugly Furniture (Spanaway--200th & Canyon)

Posted by: "Tana"   merlinsmom37

Sun May 30, 2010 10:58 pm (PDT)

Thank you for your interest!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Taken: womens plus size clothes (tacoma)

Posted by: ""   sweetiekins2110

Sun May 30, 2010 11:00 pm (PDT)


Offer: 2-3t boys clothes (tacoma)

Posted by: ""   sweetiekins2110

Sun May 30, 2010 11:01 pm (PDT)

Only a grocery bag of them not alot but their decent :)

Offer: Organic Baby Food Jars (Tacoma)***

Posted by: "NewlyAwakened N"   iamnewlyawakened

Sun May 30, 2010 11:01 pm (PDT)

I have 15 (and plenty more coming) baby food jars. They are all cleaned
and de-labled. Some still have a bit of the adhesive but shouldn't be
too difficult to clean that off. All of the lids say "Organic" on them
as I only feed OG products to my baby. Anyway, I have kept a ton and use
them for tacks, paper clips, and for lip balms. They would also make
excellent spice jars and for odds and ends in the garage, bathroom,
sewing kits, for crafts, jewelry, and utility drawer. They are just too
cute to recycle. If anyone wants them, please email. I will deliver to
your front porch or in a public place. Thanks!

***Moderator edited location.


Wanted: anything NASCAR (tacoma)

Posted by: ""   josephs_army_wife

Mon May 31, 2010 1:12 am (PDT)

Thank you in advance. I can pick up all day today, Monday. Literally, ANYTHING. Thank you for considering me.

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(Use ONLY one of these four keywords)

OFFER: couch - (Your Home Location)
TAKEN: couch - (Your Home Location)
WANTED: garden hose - (Your Home Location)
RECEIVED: garden hose - (Your Home Location)


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