Sunday, October 26, 2008

[TacAreaFC] Digest Number 3327

Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)



Wanted: Recliner Chair and a dresser [Tacoma]

Posted by: "catpurpleidaho"   catpurpleidaho

Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:43 pm (PDT)

I am moving on the 1st to a new apartment and I wont have a couch so I
really want to get a recliner chair. Also I need a dresser for my
daughter's clothes. Im not sure how I would pick the stuff up. but Im
pretty sure I can find some one to pick the stuff up for me. Thanks so



Wanted: A child's table and chairs and a toybox [Tacoma]

Posted by: "catpurpleidaho"   catpurpleidaho

Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:43 pm (PDT)

I really would like to get my daughter a little table with chairs that
is for children and also a toy box so that I can take her toys out of
plastic tubs. thank you so much.



Taken : Ladies Boots and Shoes Size 81/2 -9 Tacoma

Posted by: "marga2225"   marga2225

Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:23 pm (PDT)

Thank you freecycle !


ADMIN: October topics -- Please take a moment to read!

Posted by: "Debra Williams"   dlw711a

Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:49 pm (PDT)

Dear Tacoma Area Freecycle members,
This autumn our thriving group is nearing 4400 members.

We have an assortment of topics to share with you, please read
each short bit.


I want to take a moment to remind members to post to their home group
Fort Lewis members should post to Lakewood Area Freecycle first.
This keeps things local and those who need base access are all on the
same list.

Member correspondence to the moderators:

One member wrote:
Perhaps you could post another warning about checking the spam folder,
and adding people you reply to on your contact list. If you don't,
the answers to your replies may be sent to spam and you don't get them
if you don't check the spam folder. But this week I have had several
who have written to tell me the item was mine and when I reply as to
when and where, I never hear from them again.

Member #2 wrote:
"very helpful to have cross-streets listed with the location. It
helps to know where someone lives."

A few members wrote in about spam invitations that were received by
many members (and moderators!) to join a new recycling group. Your
moderators had nothing to do with those (even though the implication
was otherwise)

A few members wrote in inquiring about posting multiple items.
If you have multiple items to offer, you can post them in separate
messages. However, please consider putting similar items into one
message and numbering your items for clarity.


Freecycle is NOT a gigantic free department store. Try to limit the
number of wanteds and keep them reasonable. We're not here to furnish
your apartment or house. Freecycle is not a charity, nor is it a place
to ask for help. Keep the sob stories out of the Wanteds.

It is OK to say you need a thingamabobie.
It is NOT OK to say that hubby lost his job, the dog died and your
four kids need a purple grey thingamabobie for school.

Just ask, no story needed.


Reminder: Borrowing is not allowed on Tacoma Area Freecycle,
but it is allowed on our community group TPR-- Tacoma Pierce Resources.

Thanks everyone for being such a great group!
Your friendly Tacoma Area Freecycle Moderators,
Debra, Bonnie, and Roxi

Please contact the mods at:


Offer :Shredded Paper  Tacoma

Posted by: "marga2225"   marga2225

Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:42 pm (PDT)

This time there are 3 bags . Thank you !


Offer : Raffi Cassette Tacoma

Posted by: "marga2225"   marga2225

Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:47 pm (PDT)

Raffi is a singer of childrens songs .

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